Teylers medal for PD Emilie Skulberg
Teylers 'Tweede Genootschap', one of the two societies of Teylers Stichting (www.teylersmuseum.nl) announced a competition entitled: "Requested: an original study into the importance of visual material for the development of scientific fields and/or society, with attention to the influence that such visual material has on the credibility of the associated knowledge claims (‘seeing is believing’)."
The Directors of the Teylers Stichting decided to award the gold medal to the entry with the motto 'Coelestem adspicit lucem' ("He who looks at the heavenly light") which came (incognito!) from our PD Emilie Skullberg.
Her research studies wether imaging of the famous EHT image is a good reflection of "the real thing out there" or only an academic approach to visualize data...
Read more about her interesting research at her UvA page below: