Detecting gravitational waves (created by black holes) in space
A Dutch consortium led by SRON has received an NWO grant of 12 million euros that makes it possible to become an important partner in ESA/NASA's LISA mission - the first space detector for gravitational waves. With this, the Netherlands is also preparing for its role in LISA's terrestrial cousin - our Einstein Telescope (ET).
As consortium leader, SRON will work with Nikhef, Radboud, Leiden University, UvA, Utrecht University, TNO, Maastricht University and RUG to build the photodiodes (LISA's 'eyes'), software, the targeting mechanism and the associated readout electronics.
Our consortium member Gijs Nelemans is one of the leaders of the LISA-NL consortium. He explains more about the project on the Dutch radio. Click on the button below to listen. Or read more about it here.