Meeting #6, 24 January at the UTwente, UparkHotel
Location: U Parkhotel De Veldmaat 8, 7522 NM Enschede
11.00 - 11.10 Opening by Marcel ter Brake
11.10 - 11.40 Jean in ’t Zand from SRON about R&D for LISA (SLIDES)
11.40 - 12.10 Ignacio Reyes (UvA) about quantum theory and the maximum mass of star (SLIDES)
12.10 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 13.30 Danielle Pieterse gives a preview of our new Citizen Science App (SLIDES)
13.30 - 14.00 Tomer Shenar (UvA) about a new population of dormant stellar-mass black holes (SLIDES)
14.00 - 14.20 Coffee break
14.20 - 14.50 Marcel ter Brake, Developments at University of Twente towards ultralow-noise cryostats (SLIDES)
14.50 - 16.00 visit to the cryogenic lab facilities of UTwente
16.00 drinks & snacks at UPark